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  • Writer's pictureJeanette Prather

The Magic in the Air

Here is a generic picture of airwaves in ascension.

Maybe it's the knowledge that the Great Conjunction brought our planet into what some refer to as "The Age of Aquarius," or simply that we're paying attention to details in our environment a bit differently these days, but lately conversations seem to be hovering around what's going on within the unseen.

Let me break that down a bit; air is "unseen" but is just as real as, say, space. Wind and weather (although you can technically see weather patterns) falls into this, too. As do dimensions, the concept of light, and quantum physics, for example.

Not to say that the Great Conjunction is necessarily responsible for the rise in discussion around "the unseen," although it is fitting that Aquarius is an air sign in astrology with multiple professional astrologers noting a progression in the utilization of airwaves and frequencies for any number of things. Technologies and communication will surely take advantage of these outlets in the coming years, they say.

Even birds seem to be privy to this new way of being through intricate and seemingly random flight patterns that follow wind tunnels funneling high into the sky. Wild winds have kicked up suddenly out of nowhere, stirring up random bits from here and there, and reminding us of residual emotions, things and people lost, forgotten, or forsaken.

These are topics of discussion that come up frequently between people these days, replacing what used to be known as small talk while we try and make sense of it all and piece together the larger picture.

Let's dig even deeper for a moment.

In a Gaia interview with George Noory, psychic and lawyer, Mark Anthony, breaks down "the unseen" even more. "On the most basic level, everything is composed of quanta, which is pure electromagnetic energy. So the most fundamental building block of everything in existence -- that's you, me, the air we're breathing, the light, our planet, the nuclear reactions in the sun, everything -- is electromagnetic energy," he said. "The quantum paradigm is that we can leap from one dimension to another... instantly."

A render of a quantum particle.
Quantum Particle

Does this suppose that two "things" can be in two places at the same time? Sort of.

According to the Joint Quantum Institute, the feature of a quantum system proposes existence in several separate quantum states simultaneously. "In quantum experience the situation is more unsettling: material properties of things do not exist until they are measured," wrote the Institute's definition of Quantum Superposition. "Until you 'look' (measure the particular property) at the coin, as it were, it has no fixed face up."

According to Science Daily, in 2018 a University of Queensland professor was testing Einstein's equivalence principal in regards to quantum particles, and discovered Quantum Superposition. "In a state unique to quantum physics, energy and mass can exist in a 'quantum superposition' -- as if they consisted of two different values 'at the same time,'" wrote an article titled, "Quantum leap for Einstein's equivalence principle."

"Sound waves and water waves both participate in superposition, a point-by-point sum of individual waves that yields a new wave," wrote in a blog entry called, "Superposition: A fundamental—and not totally unfamiliar—feature of quantum physics." "Atoms, electrons and many other inhabitants of the quantum world can be described by waves. But these waves don’t represent the movements of physical things like water or air. Rather, their rolling peaks and valleys represent the probability that a quantum property like position or energy will have a certain value when it’s measured ... Waves—including superpositions of quantum waves—are in many places at once."

All of these scholarly articles listed propose that these quantum particles and experiments must be in relation somehow, otherwise measurements and conclusions are not relevant. Even back in 2013 when scientists were just figuring out the links between variables in quantum sciences, they estimated relation and entanglement. "Entanglement, by general consensus of physicists, is the weirdest part of quantum science. To say that two particles, A and B, are entangled means that they are actually two parts of an inseparable quantum thing," wrote Joint Quantum Institute's article, "Coming into Existence."

Another pretty render of the phenomenon within Quantum fields.
Two Quantum Particles

Couldn't "inseparable quantum thing" also be known as... the Universe, or everything as we know it? And if we broaden the definition to include this, wouldn't that presume that we are in some quantum form, all "entangled" somehow?

According to an article from Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2017) titled "The Quantum Paradigm and Challenging the Objectivity Assumption," "Embodying the Quantum Paradigm and living in the Oneness of all creation can help humanity-increasingly lost in the materialism and individualism reinforced by our embodiment of the classical paradigm* - and restore intimate connection and harmony with Spirit, Nature and fellow humans; we need such a transformation to survive and thrive in our technological society."

*"Classical paradigm" in this article refers to the subject-object distinction based on a person's own experience, thusly creating a separation between self and everything else.

Interesting... so there's some sort of oneness that occurs in the quantum realm, and in us. Here is a micro-look from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health published February 2020 and titled "Quantum Physics Perspective on Electromagnetic and Quantum Fields Inside the Brain," into how the quantum AND electromagnetic fields differ within the human brain, yet still connecting to a "oneness" :

"A physiological principle states a neuron communicates with each other by using electrical signals. The electrical signal called action potential travels along the axon and triggers neurotransmitter at the synapse, hence further electrical signal can be passed to other neurons. With electrical signal, there is always a simultaneous presence of magnetic field. Thus, this type of communication is known as EMF communication. On the contrary the quantum field (QF) type of communication considers all brain elements are waves, thus the energy is still wavy (ups and downs) and perhaps in diffused pattern with more complex networks." (Hint, hint; that last part of the last sentence).

"Brain QF is viewed as onefield or wholeness or oneness with our universe. Thus, it is commonly regarded as having one consciousness (7, 8). With this understanding, consciousness concept in quantum realm is not restricted only to human brain. In other words, we may say QF permeates whole of our universe. The quantum entity that suits this permeating energy concept is the light."

Human consciousness in relation to the Universe.
Human Consciousness

This was just a snapshot of the robust information derived from research into quantum and electromagnetic fields within the human brain.

Referencing a scholarly article from MIT Technology Review in 2012 ("Biophoton Communication: Can cells talk using light?"); "Albert Einstein once said that 'We are all beings of light,' well he was correct because now we know on a cellular level that we communicate through flashes of light and therefore our body is, in essence, a matrix of light."

Another article that helps activate light as a live agent, is Wikipedia on Einstein: "As a photon is absorbed by an atom, it excites the atom, elevating an electron to a higher energy level (one that is on average farther from the nucleus). When an electron in an excited molecule or atom descends to a lower energy level, it emits a photon of light at a frequency corresponding to the energy difference. Since the energy levels of electrons in atoms are discrete, each element and each molecule emits and absorbs its own characteristic frequencies."

A brief summary of the First Law of Thermodynamics from Estrella Mountain Community College in Arizona, states, "Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another."

And if this is true, where does all of the energy go, for example, when a conscious person or animal dies? Are they permeated within the air, the cosmos, or something we know not of yet?

Just some food for thought for you!

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