Jeanette Prather

Mar 27, 20212 min

To: The Specials. Thank you, Earth.

To: Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Supporters

Thank you, first and foremost, for your unwavering dedication and gall. Thank you for the strength that you have summoned from the depths within, and for always listening and believing, even when it gets hard. Especially when it gets hard.

You've not only risen to the challenges set forth, but you crave them. The Stings, Gagas, Bjorks, and Stefanis of the world, patiently and diligently striving forward, paving paths, and resonating with the vibrations of the planet. You've shown incredible resilience and brilliant ferocity for protecting that with which has no voice or can't be heard. The guardians of everything pure and innocent; a warrior of the children and silenced.

To those of you out there recognizing these individuals and supporting them on their journeys and soul callings, thank you as well. For those out there who understand the mission of Source and have dedicated their lives to the greater good, you possess the light.

Thank you to those who have heard my whispers and heeded my call. Thank you for mustering up the intense power that Universe has gifted Life. The magic that lies within each sentient being rises within these warriors and you've shown great integrity and grit in the face of adversity.

Thank you for continuing to practice and develop your special skills and adaptability. For always requesting more intensity even when you're not confident that you can carry out the task. Thank you for showing up, not just contently, but enthusiastically with shining stars in your eyes.

The light, the good, the holy, and the innocent. To you I praise the cool whispering breeze and the mystical vibrations. I thank you for raising your face to the sky and reading messages in the clouds. For always sending gratitude and exaltation frequencies to and through nature.

Thank you for picking up on the subtleties and maintaining a consistent fight in spirituality. For unleashing the power of the cosmos through your energy. For allowing love and light to shine bright and wash over Earth and the stars.

Thank you for not giving up in the wake of extremities and staying the course of purity in vibrations. For the precious sacrifices you've lost in battle. The details and struggles have not gone unnoticed.

To those of you who have locked in on the mission and understand the prize, I commend you. Stay the course and remain fierce. Your time is now.

One more colossal THANK YOU.

With the utmost appreciation and love,

Earth and the Cosmos